“Big Tech” Initiatives

“Big Tech” Initiatives

A number of Irish based ‘big tech’ companies are undertaking individual initiatives aimed at supporting SME’s during this difficult period. The Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE) contacted these companies and has collated a list of the initiatives as outlined below for information.


Google Digital Garage, g.co/digitalgarage-ie

For those working from home Google has a number of resources to help adjust and manage workload effectively. Google is offering free online training events, details to be listed on this website. 

Resources to help small businesses manage through uncertainty here

Resources and insights to help navigate uncertain times on Think with Google (US site)



When: Thursdays at 12pm, commencing Thursday 2 April 2020

How to register: Check out the Facebook event page

Facebook Ireland is launching a free business training event, ‘Boost with Facebook’ which seeks to support businesses during COVID-19. The ‘Boost with Facebook’ webinar series will run weekly on Thursdays at 12pm and will cover essential online business training such as; how to host a virtual event; creative online training; how to effectively market your product on mobile; having a presence on Instagram; how to use different channels to communicate with different customers; and much more.  

Further updates on ‘Boost with Facebook’ webinar series can be found at Facebook Ireland

Facebook recently announced a $100 million grant program to help 30,000 small businesses in 30 countries around the world, including Ireland. In addition to this grant, they also launched a new Small Business Resource Hub to support Irish small businesses. The hub has a range of resources such as a resiliency tool kit and online training sessions designed to help businesses minimise disruption during COVID-19. The ‘Boost with Facebook’ webinar series is aimed at helping businesses put these resources into action over the coming weeks.


The following website outlines Amazon retail and AWS new resources for small business. https://www.amazon.com/b?node=18125002011

Amazon are planning a webinar and other initiatives in May (date tbc) for businesses on how they can get set up and selling on Amazon.  In the meantime here is a recording of a similar webinar if it is useful to get a sense of what is covered. https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/847269772993015564


Download the Shopify Resources for Irish Businesses document here. This is a 'how to get started' in terms of building out an online store from scratch with some extra resources to guide the merchant on how to pivot their business in these difficult times. 

Square Space:

Square Space are able offer two separate levels of on-board help, depending on how comfortable the business is with technology and the online space. For those who require more directed guidance they’re able to provide a basic on-board option, with an introduction to creating a site and establishing an online presence. This will also include basics around styling and branding alongside domains and setting up an online store. 

For those that are more comfortable with the websites and online presence, they can offer a fast-track option to getting online and maximising presence to increase online revenue. Some of the built-in features that their platform offers for this would include subscriptionsgift cardsscheduling

Lastly, in terms of the format, they’re able to provide expertise either as part of a large group, webinar-style, or on a one-to-one basis if the business has a specific need that they’d like a solution to.

The requirements for any business that is looking to take advantage of any of the support they’re willing to provide is a computer, internet connection and technology knowledge (ability to navigate the web). For the rest, they can help with getting them set up.


E-bay are running a new programme called the "Up and Running" initiative.  From April 17th, for a minimum of three months, Irish businesses, with or without an existing e-commerce presence, are being invited to use the eBay.ie marketplace with the following benefits:  

  • Free listings on eBay.ie
  • No Final Value Fees (the commission paid to eBay based on the final value of sales)  
  • Free training that will cover eBay selling basics, how to get the most out of the platform, digital skills, search and listing optimisation and marketing. The training will be delivered through a series of webinars and mentoring programmes from eBay’s dedicated team in Ireland, helping ensure a smooth transition online for those with no or limited experience 

 Companies interested in the Up & Running initiative are invited to: